Toothaches are one of the many minor sources of pain that may not be serious enough to deserve a surgical treatment but debilitating enough for one to think about certain solutions. They are mainly caused by tooth decay as a result of the lack of proper oral hygiene. Presently, there are various treatment options to deal with toothaches. They are chosen after a checkup is done and the necessary considerations are taken concerning the afflicted teeth’s condition. One of these options is a root canal treatment.

Since we do not really want to lose any of the ones in our original set of teeth, there is a huge preference for a root canal treatment against the actual extraction of the afflicted tooth. This procedure is all about cleaning the infected teeth. The tooth’s pulp is extracted. This is the soft part within the root canal of the tooth. The extraction of the pulp is necessary to avoid further infection.

When extracting the pulp, the dentist has the responsibility of making sure that the procedure is as painless as it can be. A local anesthesia can be used to make the area near the afflicted tooth numb. However, one does not have to have this if the nerves connected to the teeth are already dead. The anesthesia works to keep the patient from feeling any of the pain associated with the complete procedure.

Once all of the damaged tissues are taken out, the tooth is cleaned up and disinfected. This is done in order to avoid further infection. After that, the hole is filled with gutta percha before it is sealed. When the root canal treatment is already done, it is a must to continue with the regular visits to the dentist to keep the teeth maintained and prevent any other possible damages.

A root canal treatment may be thought of by most as the best option in dealing with tooth decay. However, it can work for conditions that involve a certain amount of damage to the tooth only. In other more serious cases, tooth extraction is the only possible solution.

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