What are the Tips for Prevention of Dry Mouth and Diabetes?

You may be wondering, “how do I get rid of diabetes dry mouth?” We’re here to cover what causes dry mouth, how it’s connected to diabetes, and cover some top tips to provide relief. Diabetes and Dry Mouth Maintaining proper oral care is a vital part of your dental and overall health. This is especially…

How To Sleep Properly After Wisdom Teeth Removal?

If you are about to have your wisdom teeth removed, it’s important to understand how to sleep after wisdom teeth removal. This is a routine procedure for which you may receive sedation, so you should have a plan for rest and recuperation post-surgery. As with any surgery, sleeping after the procedure can be challenging. Here…

What are the Causes and Treatments of Jaw Pain?

When you experience jaw or facial pain, it is normal to suspect immediately that your teeth are the cause. Even though this may be true in many cases, there are also several medical conditions that can be contributing factors; this possibility makes diagnosis and treatment much more difficult. It is important that you consult both…

Link Between Women’s Oral and Overall Health

Is There a Link Between My Oral Health and My Overall Health? The Surgeon General’s Report on Oral Health states that good oral health is essential to good general health. And specifically for women, a growing body of research has linked gum disease to a variety of health problems that affect women. Because gum disease…

What should you focus on eating to get rid of bad breath?

1. Green Tea 2. Apples Crispy fruits and vegetables can help you produce saliva, which helps wash away odor-causing bacteria and prevent dry mouth. As a bonus, biting into an apple can help clean off your teeth and remove food particles which could also be causing stinky breath. Keep an apple at your desk or…

Does Coconut Oil Really Whiten Teeth?

If you’re interested in natural remedies and organic products, you’ve probably heard all about the practice of oil pulling. Oil pulling requires you to use a teaspoon or so of an edible oil (usually coconut) to swish around the mouth as a way to care for your teeth. Some claim that coconut oil offers benefits…

Proper Oral Hygiene for Teens

When your teen is already busy with friends, schoolwork and catching up on sleep, proper oral hygiene can go on the back burner. When running late for school, sometimes there just isn’t time for a full two minutes of toothbrushing. But as a parent, it’s up to you to make sure that your teen practices…

Tips for Baby Teething: Signs And Treatment

One of your baby’s milestones during his or her first year of life is the appearance of the first tooth, yet baby teething can be a scary time for parents. Often baby can become cranky or irritable as he experiences tooth eruption. Soothing baby as he copes can be a challenging but manageable task. When…

Medications that cause Oral Side Effects and their Treatment

The following categories of medications can affect your mouth: Antidepressants: These can cause dry mouth (known clinically as xerostomia). Saliva protects your teeth by washing away debris and keeping your teeth surfaces strong, so if you have less saliva than normal, not only can your mouth feel uncomfortable, but you’re also at higher risk of tooth decay,…

Early Childhood Cavities: Tips

Sometimes called Baby Bottle Tooth Decay, Early Childhood Cavities is a serious disease that can destroy your child’s teeth – but it can be prevented. What Causes Early Childhood Cavities? Letting your baby fall asleep with a bottle. When your baby is asleep, the liquids that contain sugar stay around the teeth and can cause…