What Is a Fissured Tongue?

Stick your tongue out in the mirror. Do you see any deep grooves? Would you consider your tongue “cracked” looking? If so, fear not! You may have a common condition known as a fissured tongue. If you’re just now noticing that your tongue has some abnormal creases or grooves, it may be the first time…

What Is A Meridian Tooth Chart?

It’s true that your oral health and your bodily health are connected. For example, the American Diabetes Association points out that individuals with diabetes may have a greater risk of developing gum disease. But some people believe they can trace a direct connection between something such as a stomachache or knee pain and a problem with a…

Teething Biscuits to Soothe Your Baby

For parents, while there is something really exciting about waiting for your baby’s first teeth, they can come with their share of pain and discomfort. How can you give your little one some relief while teething? Find out how teething biscuits can help and at what age you should first introduce them to your infant….

Hawley Retainer: Proven To Maintain Your Straight Smile

You got your braces. You wore your braces. And your smile looks great because of your braces. So now what? Well, to keep that smile great (and straight), you should introduce yourself to the Hawley retainer. The Hawley retainer stabilizes your teeth in the same position as the bone surrounding them hardens into place. This…

What You Should Know about Your Child Losing Baby Teeth

If your child has started losing teeth all at once, this might feel like a cause for concern, both for you and your little one. But in fact, it’s a cause for celebration! Losing baby teeth is totally normal and is a major milestone for all kids. Find out when you can expect your child…

How Drinking Canned Beverages Can Affect Your Teeth

You likely know that what you eat and drink has an effect on the health of your teeth and gums, but have you ever considered that how you drink might also affect your oral health? If you regularly consume sugary drinks, such as soda (pop) or fruit juice, does it matter if you’re drinking out…

Strengthen Your Teeth With These Foods

You’ve probably heard about the connection between bones and calcium since you were a child. “Drink your milk,” your mother would urge. “It’ll help keep your bones strong.” While teeth seem like bones, they have key differences that make them something else entirely. Still, calcium is one of the most important nutrients to help keep…

Let’s Discuss About ketosis Breath

There are a lot of diets out there that claim to be the best and fastest ways you can lose weight. One diet that’s created a lot of buzz is the ketogenic diet (or “keto diet” for short). Aside from helping you drop a few pounds, these diets can have some unwanted side effects to…

Acidic Foods & Its Effect To Avoid

When families gear up to indulge in their favorite foods during the holiday season, tradition often puts numerous acidic foods on the dinner table. If they’re on yours, do you know what they can do to your teeth? There are numerous types of foods that fall into this category. Foods to Avoid Oranges, grapefruits, lemons,…

Is Chipping a Tooth Really that Big of a Deal?

Dentists are frequently asked questions about chipping a tooth—“Is it that big a deal? Doesn’t it depend on how big the chip is? I mean if it is just a little chip, it can’t be that bad…can it?” The answers to these questions are variations of the same theme. Yes, chipping a tooth means you…