Paradigm Shift to Specialised Dental Treatment

Specialty dental treatment may include the following: Root Canal Treatment (RCT): This includes treating the infected pulp tissue in the tooth. Opposed to the historical dental practice when RCT’s took several sittings and were painful, current day Endodontists can render treatment usually in a single sitting which is pain-free and quick. Pediatric Dental Treatment: A…

Endodontics & Root Canal Therapy

We’ve all heard people complain that “That was as much fun as a Root Canal!” to describe painful or unpleasant experiences. But what exactly is a Root Canal? And is it really that bad? People who need endodontic treatment (Root Canal Therapy) have an infection in the soft dental pulp which lies within the hard…

Root Canal Therapy: A Brief Outline

The root canal is the space inside the root of your tooth, which primarily contains the pulp chamber. The pulp of your tooth is made up of blood vessels and nerves. It can get infected easily by bacteria if a decaying tooth is left untreated. The bacteria travels down through the tooth and into the…

Painless Root Canal Treatment

Do you find it hard to believe that painless root canal treatment is available in Essex? A painless root-canal procedure has become very popular these days as experts in the dental practice in Essex or Upminister take on new techniques using the latest technology to give you a smile makeover. A painless root-canal treatment in…