What You Need To Know About Computerized, Painless, Single Visit Root Canal Treatment

A root canal treatment is a dental procedure that allows the dentist to treat problems inside the tooth without removing the entire tooth. The treatment method can be used to fix a wide range of teeth problems including: deep cavities, abscesses, and injuries. During the procedure, the dentist removes the affected pulp and replaces it with a rubbery material known as Endodontics Obturation Gutta-Percha. The inside of the tooth is also cleaned remove necrosis pulp tissue and sealed during the procedure.

Signs that you need the treatment

Studies show that many people don’t know that they need to undergo the treatment as most of them don’t show symptoms. To avoid fixing the problem when it’s too late, it’s recommended that you visit your doctor at least once a year and have your teeth inspected. There are some people that show symptoms that include:

Teeth discoloration
Formation of a pimple(swelling) on the gums
Severe pain when chewing food or any other material
Extreme sensitivity to heat and cold
Swelling and tenderness in the gums
If you have any of these symptoms you should visit your doctor who will analyze the condition and recommend the best way of fixing the problem.

Types of root canal treatments

There are many types of treatments that you can go for. The most common being: Single visit root canal treatment, Primary treatment Secondary treatment Apicoectomy, Pulpotomy, Pulpectomy and the most recent single sitting root canal treatment.

Single sitting treatment

As mentioned, this is the latest treatment method and makes use of computerized digital tools such as RVG digital x-ray, Apex Pulp Locator, Rotary Protaper Endo hand piece and other tools. The procedure comes with many benefits that include: you avoid multiple dental clinic visits; it’s painless, affordable, less time consuming, less traumatic for the patient, and painless. There are many situations in which the procedure might be recommended:

When you are in much pain and swelling
You have a traumatized history especially on your front teeth
Your teeth are highly sensitive thus making it hard for you to eat or drink cold or hot products.
Single visit treatment procedure

The procedure is done by the dentist. The procedure begins with the taking an x-ray of your canals in order to determine if there is an infection in the surrounding area. The professional then numbs the area and drills a hole in the tooth in order to access the affected area. The pulp and affected nerve tissue are removed from the area. The dentist also cleans the inside of the tooth.

After cleaning and sterilizing the teeth, the doctor then seals the area with Endodontics Obturation Gutta-Percha Points material. After this, the dentist fills the cavity with a permanent material is placed. As mentioned, the procedure is fast. In most cases, the procedure is complete in a single sitting of 1-2 hours. The cool thing is that a dentist can also handle multiple root canals in a single visit thus if multiple teeth have been affected you can have them fixed in a single sitting.

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Article Source: https://bit.ly/3KPMpHH
