Whether you have just found out that you’re in need of an extraction or you’ve just arrived home after the surgery, there are a few things you need to know.

First and foremost, there are several things that you should not do for proper tooth extraction aftercare and there are several things you should do. Since the things you should not do could cause a greater threat and a longer healing time, we’ll discuss those first.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare Don’ts

When healing a tooth extraction, you have to take into consideration all the things that could cause your healing time to be lengthened and more painful. So, what can you do to ensure you’re doing everything you should during the tooth extraction aftercare process?

Now, keep in mind that not everything on the list is going to make you happy, but following the aftercare directions will help you in the long run. Remember, it only take a few days before you can get back to your regular routine if everything goes well.

Things to avoid:

chewing tobacco
drinking through a straw
eating hard foods
spitting or rinsing your mouth often
sucking on candies or suckers
drinking hot liquids
lying flat
anything that could loosen the blot clot causing more bleeding or a dry socket
If you notice, most of the above list are things associated with sucking. The sucking movement could pull the blood clot out of the socket leaving it open for infection and serious pain.

What is a Dry Socket?

A dry socket occurs when the blood clot is lost and the bone where the tooth was extracted becomes exposed. When this happens, air and liquids will start to cause you more pain. As the hours pass, you’ll find that the pain begins to worsen and swelling may return due to infection.

How can you avoid a dry socket?

By exercising proper tooth extraction aftercare, the chances are good you will recover without a dry socket, but not always.

Some things to consider before having an extraction and dry sockets are smoking and birth control pills. Both can worsen the chances of dry sockets.

Tooth Extraction Aftercare Dos

Some of the best things you can do after having an extraction is to lie down and rest. Although it sounds like a vacation, it isn’t always the case. While some people breeze through an extraction, others need a bit more tender loving care.

So, how can you properly care for a tooth extraction?

change the guaze regularly
take the anti-inflammatory medication prescribed by your doctor
keep your head elevated
use an ice pack on your jaw as needed
eat soft foods
drink cool drinks
ice cream is also good as it helps numb the gums

Article Source: https://bit.ly/3NLP9pm

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