Your dentist says you need a root canal. I can remember when my dentist recommended this procedure I was thinking to myself what a strange word for a dental procedure.

You may be facing a root canal or may just need more information concerning this procedure. This article will discuss some things you should know like when is this dental procedure necessary, what takes place in a root canal dental treatment, is it painful and what it cost.

When is this procedure necessary?

Have you noticed your tooth becoming sensitive to food or liquids? That pain can be intense. If it goes away fairly quickly you probably have a minor problem like a cavity. But it the pain lingers you could be experiencing tissue damage because of an infection in your pulp. That may require dental surgery.

What takes place in this dental surgery?

The decision for this dental intervention starts with the pulp which is located in the center of the infected tooth. The pulp actually contains nerves and connective tissue.

When the pulp is exposed to food or bacteria due to a cavity or maybe a crack in the tooth it can become damaged and an infection can occur thus the cause of your pain.

If an infection has occurred it can move to the root of the tooth and cause an abscess and actually harm the bone surrounding the tooth. At this point you have one of two choices either have the tooth pulled or have the infected pulp removed.

Most people will opt to have the infected pulp removed. This is accomplished with the root canal procedure. It will take place over several visits to your dentist.

Once the infected pulp is removed it will leave a space. The open space and the canals that run to the root of the tooth will then be cleaned and treated with antibiotics in preparation for a temporary filling to be placed at the first visit.

At your next appointment the temporary filling will be removed and a permanent filling will take its place. Then a crown will be placed over the tooth to protect the filling. This will also strengthen your tooth.

Does a root canal hurt?

You’re probably thinking all of this sounds very painful. You’ll be surprised to discover that you will really experience no more pain than getting a cavity filled.

We are fortunate in our day and time that our dentists are very skilled and well-trained and have very specialized dental equipment. All of this removes the preconceived notions that the word dentist means pain.

A root canal cost without insurance can be expensive.

You are probably thinking that this procedure will be very costly. You know you are right. I did some checking around and the average cost for a molar root canal procedure is around $1,170.

That’s a bunch of money especially if you don’t have a dental plan or maybe you are living from paycheck to paycheck. But to get relief from pain and also keep your tooth that’s worth a lot.

So where do you go from here especially if you are facing a root canal. You may be telling yourself I really need this dental work but how am going to pay for it.

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