Reasons for Sensitive Gums

Don’t neglect your gums! Looking after your gums is an important part of your oral health routine. Although you may visit your dentist regularly and brush your teeth twice a day, your gums might be missing out on proper care. Sometimes you might even think sore or swollen gums mean you need a filling. That’s…

COVID and Oral Health

The shelter-in-place restrictions issued in most states to contain the spread of Covid-19 have disrupted well-child medical visits and, for those lucky enough to have had access in the past, routine dental appointments, too. These visits are important for disease prevention, including dental disease, and they are opportunities for parents to learn about the risks…

What are the different types of dental floss and how do you use them?

We all have been advised to floss daily but the choices we have in the market can make any one of us confused & overwhelmed. Add to this, is the fact that many of us don’t even know how to floss in the proper way. We do brush daily but flossing, even though important appears…

How to Kill Mouth Bacteria and Keep It Away

Did you know there’s a party going on in your mouth? That’s right, according to News in Health, your mouth is home to over 700 species of microbes, including bacteria, fungus, and more. Some bacteria can be helpful, while others can be associated with tooth decay and bad breath. Luckily, figuring out how to get rid…

Teeth Brushing Timer Activities

It can certainly be a challenge to get your children to brush their teeth properly. One of the more common issues is not brushing long enough. Dentists recommended that you spend roughly two minutes brushing your teeth. For a child, that may feel like an eternity, but there are ways to help this time go…

Ways to Reduce Early Tooth Decay in Toddlers

Tooth decay, also known as dental caries, is the most common chronic oral health condition among toddlers, school-aged children, and teenagers. Tooth decay starts with weakened enamel but can lead to cavities and tooth damage to the point of extraction. The good news is that you can prevent and reduce your toddler’s early-stage tooth decay…

Fun Oral Health Tips To Teach Your Kids

As adults, properly caring for our teeth is second nature. And if you’re a parent or caregiver to a young child, you know how important it is to pass on these good dental habits and ensure that they too will care for their teeth as adults. But even for the most knowledgeable and caring parent,…

Things That Causes Tooth Sensitivity

Do you often experience a surge of pain just as you bite into food, take the first sip of a steaming beverage or bite down on an ice cream cone?  If this sounds like something you experience on almost daily basis, you probably suffer from tooth sensitivity. Surely, you don’t want to keep living with this…

What to Expect with a Tooth extraction

Tooth extraction is a medical procedure that involves pulling out a tooth. As much as we hate it, sometimes, there’s no other way but to have your tooth extracted. In fact, from badly damaged or rotted teeth to infections, there are a number of reasons that may lead you to tooth extraction. However, while it may be…

Tips: How to Care for Your Mouth When You’re Sick

When you’re sick, it’s easy to put your life on hold until you get better. But there are a few things to consider when it comes to caring for your teeth and mouth when a cold sets in. 1. Don’t share your toothbrush. Though it’s not recommended to share a toothbrush ever, it’s common practice to…