How to choose your dental products

With so many choices around it makes it quite difficult to choose the best products for taking care of your smile. Factors such as price, brand, and endorsement can all influence which toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss you choose. Here’s some handy tips to make it easier next time you’re deciding: Toothbrushes It’s important to choose…

Reasons for Sensitive Gums

Don’t neglect your gums! Looking after your gums is an important part of your oral health routine. Although you may visit your dentist regularly and brush your teeth twice a day, your gums might be missing out on proper care. Sometimes you might even think sore or swollen gums mean you need a filling. That’s…

Know how much sugar is really in your diet?

We know the effects sugar has on our teeth as well as our overall health. That’s why we aim to reduce our sugar consumption where we can. Unfortunately, it’s not always easy figuring out how much sugar is in the food we eat, especially when it’s often hiding under one of the 50 alternative names….

How Often Should You Replace Toothbrush?

When was the last time you replaced your toothbrush? We throw out expired foods, restock vitamins and supplements, and replace our beauty products often, but when it comes to health and beauty, it’s our dental hygiene that doesn’t get as much attention or thought as other areas of our regimen. However, there are important rules…

COVID and Oral Health

The shelter-in-place restrictions issued in most states to contain the spread of Covid-19 have disrupted well-child medical visits and, for those lucky enough to have had access in the past, routine dental appointments, too. These visits are important for disease prevention, including dental disease, and they are opportunities for parents to learn about the risks…

What are the different types of dental floss and how do you use them?

We all have been advised to floss daily but the choices we have in the market can make any one of us confused & overwhelmed. Add to this, is the fact that many of us don’t even know how to floss in the proper way. We do brush daily but flossing, even though important appears…